sabato 20 gennaio 2024


The data collection

This second phase concerns the gathering of statistical data and their representation through static and dynamic infographics, based on which we have to write an article. There is a wealth of data related to laryngeal tumors; we are conducting a local investigation in addition to the regional, national, and European data collected with the help of ISTAT CDE and Eurostat. This research is also self-educational; we realize that the numbers of these tumors are indeed high, and if they are, it's because habits start to go wrong from a young age. Did you know that the major causes of laryngeal tumors are three?

1. High tobacco consumption, 

2.high alcohol consumption,  


While the latter can be prevented with the correct use of condoms and thanks to a vaccine administered to girls and boys of our age, for smoking and alcohol, it depends on each of us!

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  The data collection This second phase concerns the gathering of statistical data and their representation through static and dynamic infog...